Students' primary parent/guardian must call or come to the District Office to begin the enrollment process for their student(s).
Information you will need for the pre-registration process:
- Proof of Residency - must provide one of the following documents that are dated within the last 60 days, lists the SERVICE address, company’s name, and the parent/guardian's name. (required). If you need to complete a multifamily form, please contact the District Office at 417-742-2584.
- Phone numbers and addresses for all parents/guardians for the student.
- Names/phone numbers for Emergency Contacts (need two contacts other than parents).
Enrolling Preschool Students
Enrollment for the upcoming school year is available to children in the Willard district who are 4 or 5 years old and are intending to enter Kindergarten the following school year. Pre-K classes are housed in each of our elementary buildings and are led by a certified teacher.
Step 1: Call District Office at 417-742-2584 to start the enrollment process.
Step 2: Schedule a Pre-K Screening at your home school for your 4 or 5 year old and pay $40 non-refundable enrollment fee.
Step 3: Complete necessary enrollment forms and attend Pre-K screening in the Spring.
Step 4: Get excited about Pre-K!
For more information, click here.
Enrolling Kindergarten Students
Register your Kindergarten students who will be five (5) years old on or before July 31. If your student is currently enrolled in Pre-K at Willard Public Schools, you do not need to complete new student registration.